Sunday, February 15, 2009

This is very important specially if siblings share the room. Each one can have a corner for them and they can choose their colors and theme. 3) Decorative shelving is another way of adding functionality and the charm to kid’s room.

Buy simple, plain and inexpensive shelves or make them out of plywood. Paint them in desired color and decorate them with designs, motifs or stickers. Fix them to the brackets.

They are great for displaying books and soft toys. Add few colorful knobs and all the things like bags belts, caps can go there. 4) For a temporary storage get some black or white metal carts that can be stored away when not in use. 5) As a rule of thumb storage in kid’s room should be accessible to them.

If you have less floor space vertical storage becomes necessary. Then you can store all less frequently used items on top. 6) Inflatable furniture is a quick and inexpensive way to fulfill changing needs for furniture. It comes in variety of colors and designs and is appreciated by kids of all ages.

It is also easy to store away when not in use or when more floor space is needed. 7) For preschoolers and toddlers, hang a large black board or white board on the wall at their level. This satisfies their need to write on the wall without actually doing so.