Through my title I have tried to give the reasons why one has one’s house painted. One is certainly to strengthen the house. Second reason why you may paint your house is to improve its appearance, very often drastically.
Thirdly, you might paint your house because you may feel like it. Believe me the third reason is often the most important. Lest you think I am making jokes we did get our house painted less than fifteen days back.
Before you start the painting you must be very sure of what you want. It helps to plan in advance as to which rooms will be painted on which day.
Very often painting is combined with renovation, so that has to be managed too. Each kind of paint has a certain finish but emulsions I believe are good for all requirements.
People choose different colours for different rooms. But my idea is to have the same colour for the whole house. It reduces wastage.
It helps to maintain good relations with the painters. After all you are putting your house in their hands. If they are treated well they are likely to do less harm to your possessions, inadvertently anyway.
The less you have in the house, the easier it is to get it painted. House-painting is a good excuse to purchase new furniture and new art facts to decorate the well-dressed home.
In conclusion, choose your painter carefully. Go for a man who has artistic sensibility and will finish his job well on time.